
Lina Osterman (En)

I’ve always liked the idea of sharing clothes with your boyfriend, and that is what I do myself.

—What is your design identity?

Dark, minimal, androgynous.

—Where do you get inspiration from?

From the people I meet and the places I see and also early David Lynch movies.

—What is the most enjoyable part of design?

To have the freedom to create what you want.

—Who are your design icons?

Don’t really have one.

—How would you describe your customer?

A creative professional.

—What is the most challenging aspect of design?

I would say it’s hard to be your own boss sometimes.

—How important is masculinity or feminity for your design?

It is important. Even though I have unisex pieces in my collection I feel it is important to show masculinity in the garments because I’m not only designing clothes for a she-male.

—Where does gender-free concept come from?

I’ve always liked the idea of sharing clothes with your boyfriend, and that is what I do myself. I want a skinny look on the guy and oversized on the girl, but in a good way.

—Does your design activity always follow the same process?

Yeah mostly, depending on how much time I have to present a collection.

—Describe the style of your designs in short words.

You want to hide but still be looked at. You want to go away but you are too curious. In the latest collection you’ll find distressed knitwear, studded denim and chain accessories. It’s dark and heavy with a lot of personality.

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Lina Osterman 09 A/W Collection
Interview, Text/Masaki Takida

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