
Julian Zigerli

スイス出身の若きデザイナーJulian Zigerliはベルリンのユニバーシティ・オブ・アートでファッションを学んだ後、2010年ルーツであるスイスに戻り自身のブランドをスタート。
2012年には“to infinity and beyond“と題した2012AW Collectionでスイスデザインアワードを受賞するなどスイス国内はもとより世界中で注目を集めつつある。
また14A/W Collectionは一昨年よりスタートしたジョルジオ・アルマーニの新進デザイナー支援プロジェクトに選出されファッションショーを開催した。




AW14コレクション「THE ONE AND ONLY」では、自然の美の探求と、新しい方法で人類を表現しようと、化学式を用いてみたんだ。自分たちがこうありたい、と思うような人間を表しているのだけど、それは架空のままで…そう、ユートピアだね。




テーマは「LIFE IS ONE OF THE HARDEST」、皮肉を込めた表現さ。PC上でのCMYKカラーでプリントすることは、これまでも大きな役目を果たしていたんだけど…今回は全て手作業さ!それはとてもリアルに描かれているよ。72時間シフトで動きまわっているワーカホリックなビジネスマンにインスパイアされたのさ。





Interview with Julian Zigerli 2013

–Hi Julian, this is the second time to interview from us. How have you been?

yeah it is. i’ve been great! busy, but in a good way.

–Your activity in Milano, of course we know and we checked.

–I watched the video!It was really good experience for you oder?

it was indeed. it’s been a great experience and both of the shows went really well. it’s great to be able to show in milano to generate a new audience. specially in the fashion industry.

–This AW14, we could see the honeycomb structure and some geographic pattern. Please tell me the concept of AW14.

The A/W 14 Collection explores the beauty of nature and uses the chemical formula for perfection to view humanity in a new way. It is called „THE ONE AND ONLY“ and it is about this imaginary perfect person which we all wanna be or are looking for. but it really stays imaginary. it’s an utopia.

–And the last collection, you collaborated with the Berlin based artist Katharina Grosse.The paint was really beautiful.Will you continue to work with someone?

yes i did actually work with the graphic artist trio GOLGOTHA from paris for the AW14 collection. they are really good in animated grafics. that is why i wanted to work with them. to get this plastic fantastic and technical but natural look on the prints.

–OK and how is the SS15 gonna be?

„LIFE IS ONE OF THE HARDEST“ ironically spoken. it’s a collection with a very wide range. The CMYK colors an computer aesthetics were playing a big role. but the prints are all hand crafted and generated in real life. inspired by a overworked business man who is turning mad after a 72 hours shift.

–And I heard you will come to Japan in this winter?

yes i will!!! yay! but not in winter.. i’ll come in a week to stay for 3 weeks. so excited!! i love japan!

–at last,please give the message for Japanese fan of your brand!

stay kawaiiiii, because that is what’s making the world a better place. see you in japan!

–Thank you very much!

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