

ヘルシンキ出身、ロンドンのセントラルセントマーティンズ出身の若手ブランドSASU KAUPPI。卒業コレクションではダンヒル賞を獲得するなど、在学中より注目の的となった。オーバーサイズのシルエットに、カラフルで大胆なカットやカラー、パッチワークを多様し、遊び心満点の彼のデザインは、今やヨーロッパのみならず、世界中で注目を集めつつある。
―それは寒いですね。でも元気で何よりです!SS14「Back to the Foodture」はフードがテーマのコレクションでしたが、今回は昆虫のテキスタイルが目立ってます。AW14のコンセプトを教えて下さい。 

AW14「SEQUEL」は、ある種SS14の続編です。クラシックな映画(SS14がBack to the Foodtureだったように)「エイリアン」の影響を受けています。
―あなたのコレクションを見る限り、私は、Sasu Kauppiのイメージカラーは黒とオレンジだと感じています。ヘルシンキで初めて見つけたあなたのアイテムも、黒とオレンジのボンバージャケットでした。あなたはこのカラーコンビネーションがブランド普遍のテーマだと思いますか?
ハーイ、日本で私のブランドをサポートしてくれるすべての人にThank youを伝えたいです!ありがとう!――

Interview & Text:Kazuma Mori

–HiSasu, this is the second time to interview from us.How have you been? And is Helsinki already cold like winter?

I’m good, thanks. The summer has been extremely busy and we finally got SS15 launched! There will be a lot of interesting things happening during autumn and winter as well…
It has been quite a warm beginning for the autumn, but just two days ago the temperature suddenly dropped to almost 0 celsius. ouch.

–Omg…too cold! But happy to hear you are good. SS14 “Back to the Foodture” was focused on the food.And AW14 collection, we could see the textlile of insects. Pls tell me the concept of AW14.

AW14, called Sequel, is kind of a sequel to SS14. AW14 was influenced by childhood movies classics (like SS14 was by “Back To The Future”). This time it was the “Alien” saga.
I wanted to create, for example, biomechanical insect prints and use graphic colour/texture blocking. A different approach to SS14, a different mood and colour palette, yet similar concept.

–To see your creation, I think, your image of the color seems black and orange. The Item that at first I found your clothes in Helsinki was bomber, black and orange. That was really impressed me and
I got a contact to you. Do you think these color is a universal theme of Sasu Kauppi?

Interesting to hear!
Apparently so. I think it started with my love of the classic Alpha Ind. MA-1 in black and orange. The colours have maintained their importance as part of the SK aesthetic. There’s no orange on all of the collections though. Or even black!

–From AW14, I thought some clothes seems more unisex than past collection.Do you wanna continue to create women’s clothes also?

Yes, i will definitely be designing for both men and women.
AW14 was a step towards even more unisex style (basically just menswear on men and women). It worked well with the current, somewhat masculine theme. SS15 is something very different, yet still quite unisex.

–OK and how is the SS15 gonna be?

SS15 is all about childhood again. This time in retro computers, games and 3D illustrations. All this was mixed with fifties bowling shirts and bikerwear along with different kinds of tie dying. Quite a colourful mess, haha.

–at last,please give the message for Japanese fan of your brand!

Hi! I want to thank all you Japanese people who keep on supporting my brand all the way there!

–Thank you very much!

Thank You!

Interview & Text:Kazuma Mori

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