

アイスランドで今注目のデザイナーについて記述するに、彼女のことを語らずにはいられないだろう。アイスランドのアカデミーオブアーツと、ヘリットリートフェルトアカデミーでファッションを学び、パリのプレスオフィスTotemでインターン後、自身のブランド「Helicopter」をローンチしたHelga Lilja Magnúsdóttir。アイスランドらしくカラフルで自然からインスパイアされたクローズは、2013年のコレクションでレイキャビクの女性達を虜にし、その人気は今海を渡りヨーロッパに広がりつつある。


私はHelga Lilja Magnúsdóttir、チェロプレイヤーとドクターの間に生まれました。4人兄弟の末っ子で、おばあさんはアイスランドで最も有名な作曲家でした。Bjorkも彼女の曲をカバーしています。


全てのコレクションは私、Helga Liljaが愛とユーモアを込めてデザインしています。
主にアイスランドのアーティストに感銘を受けます。最も好きなアーティストはシグルズール・グドムンソン(Sigurður Guðmundsson)というアーティスト。今は上海に住んでいると思います。
オラファー・エリアソン(Ólafur Elíasson)は次に好きなアーティストで、彼の展示は今コペンハーゲンのルイジアナ美術館で行われていて、それは本当に素晴らしいです。


――Please tell us about yourself.
I am the daughter of a cello player and a doctor. Youngest of four. My grandmother is one of Iceland´s most renowned composers. Björk even covered one of her songs.
Waking up every Saturday morning to my mother practicing the cello,
spending all summers out in the country in our summerhouse in Þingvellir did a good number on my head.
Very energetic, watchful, creative but also quite practical.

――Please tell us your brand concept.
My brand is a comfortable and colourful high-street wear for women.
Flattering cuts and soft fabrics. Helicopter is meant to make people feel good, look good and stand out in a crowd. The whole collection is designed for me, Helga Lilja the designer, with love and humour.
――To see your collection, flamboyantly print are shown.(I love it!)Which designer do you think you are influenced?
I have to admit that I do not follow fashion closely. But designers that have amazed me
over the time are designers such as Vivienne Westwood, Bernhard Wilhelm, Nicholas Ghesquiere and Marjan Pejoski. Henrik Vibskov have also made a huge impression on me in the past.
――Please tell us about the concept of AW14.
AW14 was a real ballbuster. I´ll tell you that much.
One morning I was flicking through my Instagram feed and came across a picture of an Asian duck, Mandarin duck. I fell in love so hard that a whole collection came out from this one little gorgeous bird. The collection revolves around the print I sketched in one evening. However it took me half a year to finish the print….half a year….
The bird has two white stripes on it´s chest and that inspired me to take an even sportier direction than before in this collection.
I am really happy that this collection is finally on it´s way into the cosmos.

――Helicopter is really hip in Reykjavik now.Do you think the people in Reykjavik love light designed clothes like Asian people?
Icelandic people are really loyal and fashion forward. They are not afraid to dress according to their own style or dress in colour or prints. To Icelandic consumers the global fashion inspires them a lot but I feel they enjoy the feeling of wearing something made by one of us, being only 320.000 individuals. When asked about what they are wearing I know they take pride in wearing Icelandic designs.
――Do you know some Japanese designers?
Issey Miyake and Yohji Yamamoto are the first ones that come to mind.
――Like Japan, Iceland is island and we have similar nature…earthquake, volcano, hot spring…And I feel Icelandic designers creations are inspired by nature.
Do you think Icelandic design will be appreciated in Japan?

As you note we live in similar nature but our cultures are very different, our food, our climate, our traditions and history and last but not least our physique.
I do think that Japanese people should be able to appreciate and understand our concepts and prints but our designs might be a bit big. I am very excited to bring my designs to Japan, a place I am dying to visit!
――From what kind of art do you think you are inspired?
I am inspired by Icelandic artist mostly.
My favourite Icelandic artist is Sigurður Guðmundsson. I think he lives in Shanghai at the moment. After him comes Ólafur Elíasson but he is exhibiting right now in Louisiana in Copenhagen and that show is really amazing. These artist have both made lasting impressions on me for their portrayals of nature.Helicopter has solely been inspired by nature in one way or the other throughout it´s 8 collections long life.
Then I find myself compelled to mention Shoplifter, she is really amazing.
――How the concept of SS15 gonna be?
Ss15 is inspired by Lónsöræfi, a magical place in the highlands, in the east of Iceland. The colours of the mountains there are un-describable.
This is the first collection where I paint and draw the print completely myself.
――at last,please give the message for Japanese fashion fans!
Don’t dress for anyone else but yourselves.

――Thank you very much!

Interview & Translation:Kazuma Mori

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