


Since graduating from London College of Fashion with first class honours in 2005, photographer Ben Benoliel has gone on to produce acclaimed commercial and editorial work for print and digital publication.
Recognised for his considered, perceptive and informal style, Ben always shoots on film using various analogue cameras that create a distinctive feeling in his work. Mistakes are embraced and experiments encouraged.

Ben is one of the Founding partners and Art Director at

Small chat with ‘Get it on the neg’

Every now and then as a photographer you recieve some positive support/feedback on your work that really makes all the doubting/hair pulling out/frustrating moments worth while…..This such thing happened recently when Nancy from Nearness of Distance talked about my work. Im so happy when others enjoy my images, Nancy is a great belivers in analogue photography and the use of film over digital….so much so she has set up another blog Get It On The Neg !

Nancy asked me to select my favourite image and emailed some question’s over to me about my work…………

1) What camera do you use?

I own a whole bunch of cameras and I’m always interested in seeing what effect each one gives me. 35mm I shoot lomo LCA+, Yashica T4, Mamiya 500tl and Im excited to start using a minox 35 I was given as a gift. 120mm I have a Holga, a Mamiya RB 67 and my most regularly used camera a Bronica 6×4.5. If I’m honest I didn’t really fall in love with photography truly until my 3rd year at LCF when I began my final major project photographing ‘Golfers’. As the subject matter was so traditional I thought it only right I shot on 120 film. I hired a Bronica from college and shot the whole project on this, at first I couldn’t even load the film that well ! As soon as I began to take in and collect films, see the contact sheets, THAT WAS IT ! I haven’t looked back since ! Therefore this camera was essentially my first camera, it taught me how I take photographs. After I left college my lovely girlfriend bought me an exact replacement for my birthday.

2) What is your favourite filmstock?

…………………………………………………and you can see the full feature here

Cherry, 2009

b x

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