Sarah Williams, graduated from the M.A. Fashion Artefacts program at the London College of Fashion. Williams is challenging the fashion industry’s view of craft, creating something that has never been seen before. Crafted Fashion, shown last month at the London College of Fashion, offers a luxurious take on luggage and functional work gear. Inspired by the British Mullberry and Smythson .
Only avalaible at her website and made by order.
But i have to do a big effort to keep my nails long….so i can cut them like that
My cousin ,made some fierce decorations on my nails !!!!!!!!!!
SPLASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ,,,,we are playing board games
Hello friends.I want you to know my Bogota crew, Johanna is an amazing make up artist ,Alejandra is a photographer and Michelle was miss Colombia and now she is modeling……….The bad thing is that we are all over ….Joha is most of the time in L.A ,Michelle in Canada and i am planing to go back to London very soon …. and Aleja is here ……Anyways.The photo under is a preview of a work we did together !!! the photos are major,but the best thing was all the fun we had that day ,we finish the shoot eating chicken,hahaha
Loves to send forward mails,with photos of people i dont know,Christian stuff,plants and herbs that are food for your body, cheap offerts for flighst to Europe………. …..And so on .
After telling her a zillion times to stop sending me those mails ,she called me last nigth to ask if she could send me some photos she knew i would like.At least this time she was right,because i love Aurora Borealis.
Pictures by Kasia Bobula
Clothes by Le Lin Tiffany Tang
Models Marko and Dan
Make up by Josie Heighton-Towers
I interview and show you before the catwalk photos from Le Ling Tiffany Tang at the RCA graduation show. http://changefashion.net/blog/lucy/2010/06/14044121.html
Now ,i want to show you the beautiful photos made by Kasia Bobula for Tiffany’s presentation. I am great admired of Kasia’s work, that’s why I was very happy to know that she was shooting Tifanny’s “crash” inspired collection.
Check Kasia’s work at http://kasiabobula.blogspot.com/
I love everything about him !
his fashion
his friendship
his cat
his ex-boyfriend
his pasta ( before he became healthy )
his daddy cool
his boss (Walter)
his hot mediterranean looks (he got more than one )
his new place ( the bassement )
Fanklub dj’s not only host the best party in all Antwerp (monthly party call BLAST YOUR GHETTO) ,they also are amazing and loved friends of mine.
Few months ago they celebrated their party anniversary and for that they present to their first 250 guests a cd mixed by them . If u are going to study in Antwerp or you are just passing by check the dates , I promiss fun and amazing music!
I wasnt at the anniversary but lucky enough i got my copy by mail,and is MAJOR !
EK THONGPRASERT new jewellry collection by Noon Passama was showcased in the windows of Maria Luisa with decors by EEM.
till past 11 of july.So sad i miss it.
Ek Thongprasert’s collection including his jewellery line are now available at Maria Luisa (Paris), Kabinet (Amsterdam), Club 21 (Thailand), and in Singapore, Front Row.
Bogota has the largest pavillion venue of all Latin America, and today i went because they have for a week The Colonies Fair with exhibitions,shops,concerts and typical food of all Colombia. As they celebrate this only once a year ,i was happy to go there for second time in my life. My favorite pavillion is always the one from all the indian comunities of my country . When we were walking there we met 3 siblings buying popcorn. And they were so friendly and cute they even asked me if i was coming again tomorrow to visit them ,after visiting another pavillion i met them again and say bye to them.So sad ….