


Lui Nemeth
東京出身、ロンドンに在住。アートをCentral Saint Martins で学び、3年間STREET MAGAZINEのPHOTOGRAPHERとして活躍。卒業後 セレクトショップ/ギャラリー Primitive London をオープン。

Andrew Green
オーストラリア出身のアクセサリーデザイナー。2007年、Torso Corso というアクセサリーレーブルを立ち上げ、Candy や ilil などにストックされる。日本に1年半ほど住んだ後、現在ロンドンに移動し、2011年 セレクトショップ /ギャラリーPrimitive London をオープン。

HTRK Eat Yr Heart

For those of you who don’t know who HTRK they are Nigel Lee-Yang and Jonnine Standish. Their hometown is Melbourne and use heavily effected guitars, drum machines, vocals, synth sequencers and a tom drum. The music they make is dark, ethereal and moody. Originally they started as a trio but tragically last year their third member and bassist Sean Stewart took his own life.

Pitchfork released a track from their up-coming album yesterday. I was really looking forward to hearing their new sound with the Roland Bass Sequencer and I was not disappointed. The sound now is more electronic, dark and menacing.

Click to listen to the new track. HTRK – Eat Yr Heart

This is an older track which is also great.

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