


designer of the brand 'mikiosakabe' 'lightning burger' ' Jenny fax'

Saturday night

tonight i am not  feeling  well and my husband was going out for meeting.

so.. i thought at least  have to make my Saturday “tasty”.

i went to Mac and take out my favorite . eat in front of  TV with film “United 93″.

it  wasn’t a good choice!!

very heavy. this “United 93″ really brought me down!! even a happy menu can’t help.

i  hope deeply “PEACE” in this world.

and if  i have chance to call someone before plane crush like the story.

i think  i will call my husband.

8 Responses to “Saturday night”

  1. KENTARO TAMAI / 玉井健太郎 より:

    lovery. It is too wonderful message.

  2. taro より:

    im big fun of ur blog!!!!

  3. JEN-FANG より:

    love is always wonderful.
    love & peace

  4. yoshi より:

    your husband is superman!
    He can fly!

    Love is all you need!

  5. yoshi より:

    Love is all you need

    your husband is superman!
    He can fly!

  6. JEN-FANG より:

    yoshi kun,
    it’s time for medicine!!

  7. fukaura より:

    I like your blog too.

  8. JEN-FANG より:

    thanks Totori brothers!!